Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Whats new and whats not

Its exactly 6 am London time and here I am: blogging!
Mostly out of guilt for losing touch.. so here goeslah:
Last week marked the beginning of my 5-week alleged Easter break.
I say alleged because this generous break is actually an illusion to con prospective students into applying to LSE.

Oklah, I'll be truthful...to con prospective LAZY students like me who were hoping to just holiday!! my way to a degree..

Basically instead of lying by the beach sipping on my coconut in my ah-ma swimwear,
I'm supposed to spend the whole 5 weeks hovering over books and memorize CRAZILY complicated theories in 'the best social science library in the world'. *in sing song voice*
I'm only bitter because I care and also because I miss my A&W onion rings and waffles.
With all the stress and emotional trauma I suffered from uncovering the con job regarding the holiday misdescription....
I went to Belgium.
For four days.
No. Seriously. -_-
Reasoning: I needed the chocolate to boost my spirits and brain power. =)
Whether it helped or not, I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Besides the chocs, the other only tourist attraction worth mentioning was everyone's strange obsession with Mannekin Pis.

Its this tiny little fountain of a boy peeing.
I kid you not man -_-
I was like.... literally like dot dot dot

Don't let the picture fool you guys, the souvenir mock ups were probably bigger than the actual fountain itself.
I'm quite sure they had a similar fountain outside Atria as well...
Oh well, at least its amusing and I can be all touristy and take ah-lian photos =p
The statue is suppose to either commemorate a rich dude who thought he lost his son but found him peeing outside somewhere...???!
this kid pee-ed on a fire to stop it from spreading.
*lost for words*
Take your pick. =p
I'm off to bed after I find food.
Hopefully, the lack of posts and emails doens't mean that you guys were annihilated last Sunday at paintballing!
If it does, I wanna see photos =p